Team-building walking hike: Discovering Mount Royal

In a nutshell

  • Season: Spring, summer, fall
    • Start and end point: Smith House, 1260 Remembrance Road, Montréal (Quebec), H3H 1A2
  • Important note: The Smith House restrooms are closed to the public.
  • Time: From 9 AM
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Distance: 3.5km
  • Level of course: Intermediate (forest trails, gentle inclines)
  • Rate: Upon request

Activity description

An opportunity for you and your group to discover the many facets of Mount Royal, an icon in the city of Montréal, where nature and culture coexist. This hike reveals the numerous challenges related to the protection of the Mount Royal Heritage Site, as well as the role of Les Amis de la montagne. Our expert guide will also raise your awareness about issues related to the conservation of natural environments and biodiversity, as well as urban planning, accessibility, and our natural, built, historical, and cultural heritage.



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